“What if…” and “If only…”

This is actually from a Magazine and thought it would be useful for others too.

“What if…” and “if only…” are two phrases that haunt us throughout our lives reducing us from confident, self-assured individuals to depressed, morose bundles of nerves. One creates self-doubt while the other is the harbinger of regret. “What if…” simply prevents us from fulfilling our dreams because it fills us with a feeling of uncertainty as to whether we aer doing the right thing or not. While it is prudent to observe a certain amount of caution in any work we perform, it is never advisable to constantly give into morbid thoughts about what can go wrong. Giving into panic every time we think of accomplishing a task will only lead to failure and resultant frustration and depression. Continuous suppression of ideas and objectives will hamper our physical, mental and spiritual growth.

Most of our doubts are baseless, hurdles created in our minds. And if something has to go wrong, it will for sure. As they say ‘que sera, sera’ or ‘whatever will be, will be’. All we can do is to take the necessary precautions and then pray for the best and be prepared for the worst.