“Knowledge is what the wealth I’ve given to you. Impart that to only those who seek it. Because everything begins with seeking” – Eternal Father


All of my programs are tailored by myself as a blend of experiences in my life with What I learnt in books and other resources, from other leaders and from what I received and realized from the eternal father.  Though I follow a holistic approach, in no way I’m related to any kind of ministries or religious promotions. This Marvelous World have already what we need to succeed. I am doing the job of compiling, packing  and presenting it to you.


Special Motivational Programme for all:


“Cosmic Energy – The Hidden Treasure in Nature”

“Self Realization – The Secrets of Will Power”


Motivation Programmes  for Youngsters (For Groups and Institutions):


1. Rise. From Wherever You are. It’s not over yet.

2. The Cosmic Laws – Mantras for Success.

3. Be the Change.



Programmes on Shaping Education (For Teaching Groups) :

1. Let us make  – Man Making Education


Self Development Programmes for Corporates, Companies and Leadership Groups :

1. Teams : Build it or Destroy it

2. Creative Thinking – Power of Innovation

3. Be Unique in any Group


Apart from this, I do conduct regular soft skills development training for small groups (Individual or Organizational) at their places.


My regular programs include:

1. Communication Skills

2.Presentation Skills

3.Group Discussion Skills

4.Interview Skills

5. Body Language


Feel free to contact me at any time regarding any queries about the programmes through email : alphaatomegafoundation@gmail.com